FileZilla Uploading

While using Pitt’s server as my own website, I had trouble with transferring my files from FileZilla(cross-platform FTP software) to my webpage.  After saving a file using DreamWeaver, I could not upload it directly to my website. Instead, I had to re-save it on my flash drive in the appropriate folder and then reopen it, overriding the pre-existing file in FileZilla. Once this new file was in FileZIlla, I was able to successfully upload it to my webpage. For more information on FileZilla,


~ by bighouse113 on September 12, 2010.

One Response to “FileZilla Uploading”

  1. This is a problem I often have with images. I’m glad I’m not the only one. Although, I want to know what you did in order to “re-open” the file? Did you drag it into your FTP client’s file list, or do something else? Also, did this effectively “overwrite” the original file, or did the alternate location for the file also appear on the file list?

    Alternately, I’ve tried this before, dragging image files from a specific location to an FTP server, and run into the problem of not being able to drop them into Dreamweaver. Anybody also have this problem?

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