Adding Audio a Website

I found two different ways of adding audio a website.

The first one allows the user to click a link to play your audio file.

The second allows the audio to be embedded in the site and play in the background while the user is on the site.

We’ll start with the first, linked audio file.

The syntax for linked audio is:

Play <a href=”audiofile.mp3″><i>The Irish Ho Hoane</i></a>

This will produce something along these lines on your website



In this case I chose to italicize the file name so it could be easily recognized.

You can use a number of different audio file extensions, you should see which ones are the most compatible for the browser and uses that you intend to use.  Some extensions require plugins to work correctly

Here is the second way of embedding audio as background sound for your website.

Here is the syntax:


[ autostart=true ] will allow the file to start when the page is opened and start from the beginning.

Once again you should choose your file type accordingly.  To stream mp3 files requires a plugin.

An alternative would be to write a m3u or create a wav audio file.

For further clarification this website might be of some help:


~ by tolandennis on March 14, 2011.