How To Insert Text Over Your Video

In order to insert Text over your video you must first open your video in Premier.  Once your video is open drag it down into your video track.  I dragged mine into the Video 2 track.  Now select the area in your video you wish to place text over.  Next you select Title from your tool bar.  Under Title you will select New Title and I choose Default still.

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You will then see a box appear on your screen prompting you to name your title.  Give your title a name and click ok.  Now you will see the portion of your video appear where you want to put your text over select your text button and place the cursor over the area you want to put your text.  You will have many options such as font, font size, color and many more that you can play around with.  On the bottom half of your screen you will see some pre-selected font styles you can pic as well.

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Once you are done with your text you can click out of the window.  You text will automatically save for a 5 second display.  You can easily change that by right clicking on the saved text and selecting “Speed/Duration” and placing your cursor over the 5 seconds and changing it to your desired time.  Now you can take that text clip and drag it onto of your video clip where you wish for the text to display.  I put my text clip on Video 3 (on top of where I wanted it to appear in my video).  Now when I play my video my text will appear over the video in my desired area.

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~ by adz122013 on March 18, 2013.