Fading In on Adobe Premiere

Step 1: Import your desired project files onto Premiere. You can do this by clicking on File>Import (Command+I)

ImageStep 2: Drag and drop your clip into the workspace so that you can edit it.

Step 3: Select the clip by clicking on it

Step 4: On the top of your workspace, click on the “Effects Controls” tab. If the tab is not viewable, you can also click on Window>Effects from the menu bar. 




Step 5: In the Effects tab, click on the triangle next to the Opacity option, which will open a drop down menu



Tip: Before you change the opacity, try zooming in to your video to about to the seconds, so you can decide how many seconds you want your fade to last.

Step 6: Change the opacity from a 100% to 0, making sure you are at the absolute beginning of your video clip.

Step 7: Next, say if you want your video to take 3 seconds to fade in, go the 3 second mark on your video, and change the opacity to a 100%. 

Now when you hit play, your video will start with a fade-in for 3 seconds until the opacity returns.


~ by vs1085 on November 11, 2013.

2 Responses to “Fading In on Adobe Premiere”

  1. This is an extremely clear and thorough blog post. I appreciate the screenshots and language choice. My only real suggestion would be to clarify how opacity affects fading in. Other than that, nice job!

  2. It would help to have a visual of the fade on the video clips, like if you took a snapshot of the timeline where you have the clips and the effects applied, or maybe a shot of how the video looks as it’s fading in.

    maybe you could also talk about cross-fading clips using this same technique, and again then you could have a shot of the clips as they are fading into each other.

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